"Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First Time Researchers"

Starting off with something quite odd for an opening of a new blog post...


Quantitative - collecting facts and study relationship of those facts through numerical data.

Qualitative - understanding visual perceptions in a non-numerical format with general research questions as a starting point that progresses during the course of study.

Case Study

Theoretical Sampling



Ethnography - the study of people in natural settings, capturing social meanings and activities in which the researcher is involved/participating directly in the setting.

Action Research - studies carried out in the course of an activity or occupation to improve methods and approach.

Grounded Theory

Narrative Inquiry/Stories - collection and development of life stories structuring a research project to add meaning.

I wanted to establish what the definitions of these words where to better understand what I might be building my inquiry on, which leads me on to the below:

Styles of Research
It was decided at the end of last year that my Module Two focus will be of a Literature base inquiry, which I believe will mean that the qualitative research would be my main platform.

"Researchers adopting a qualitative perspective are more concerned to understand individual perceptions of the world." (p.17)

I do believe that I will develop my research into other styles of research, such as narrative inquiry/stories to be able to collate research with a personal understanding and meaning that relates to my practice and the 'theme' of my planned inquiry


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