01/04/2020 - Open Group Skype Discussion

01/04/2020 - Open Discussion Skype Session

Consisted mostly of Module One and Two students
I was the only Module Three student - happy to offer my experience for those going through Module One and Two.

My discussion - what practical artefact can I utilise?

Discussion One: Finding your voice in your writing
How do you develop it that isn’t too personal?
We are creative people. Brainstorming a dance, can brainstorm the words.

Helen - Don’t expect things to be clean and linear. Don’t expect that in your practice.

Conversation led down interview route, which is not necessarily relevant for me due to my approach being from a literature and observation aspect.

Helen - What ever your’re approaching in your practice, letting go of absolute control to allow other things to grow

Discussion Two: Integration
Integration - different lenses/different 
How can I apply Module One lens on my practice to my Module Three.

Assuming things does not allow you to further question things.

I inputted how I implement further questioning in my own teaching and getting my students to further question in their own coursework to broaden their understanding and knowledge as to WHY they implement certain exercises into bettering themselves and developing their skills.

Helen - What do we do with what we are given - script/choreography - what do we do with it? 

I inputted my own learning - I still I feel I need structure and my own form of ‘tick box’.

Helen - Module Handbooks are the skeleton, and we are the ones to flesh out the body of work through writing. It’s questioning thought processes - this programme is built on a community of a stronger voice - pebble in pond and the ripples - we are looking at the ripples.

Discussion Three: Artefact
Wasn’t clear, but there is freedom to do what is right for us and our practice. It has got to mean something to us.

Reason: Reflective Journal - use to write techniques.
Helen - the artefact varies each Module. Artefact is communicating relevance to my practice. 


Adesola has blogged other dates for Skype calls.


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