Excuses Excuses... But I'm Struggling.

I cannot even begin to apologise for my lack of attendance towards Module Two.

I am going to put my hand on heart and admit that I am struggling with keeping on top of my learning as well as juggling a full time teaching job where I have meetings, marking, data deadlines; I teach on Saturday mornings; I choreograph for two areas in Northamptonshire (one of which is a Sunday)...

Overwhelmed is the word that springs to mind.

And on top of work, when I do sit down and enjoy precious free time.... I forget about completing my Module Two.

As of today, I have actually started typing up my Practice Based Inquiry Proposal, and I am going to ensure that I schedule in some time in an evening to read up blogs and literature that will assist my inquiry.

I really do want to do well.

But it feels as if I am juggling knives at the moment....



  1. Just start typing. I have posted a few things on my blog that have helped me. And defo check the MORE form it will help with your proposal structure. x


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