Supervisor 1:1 Skype Call - 06/02/2020

Skype Call Notes:
Go through points of the feedback - what actions to take:
How I see the bridge between healthy lifestyle and curriculum of 'training' - lose it.
Focus on place of dance. State claim and argument of value to young people. Consider technique development. One Dance Conference.

My Practice Based Artefact - sharing research process - what I did, what happened.
Practice based way - short video/workshop - visual - wont know that yet.
Thursday 7th May Oral Presentation - (my BTEC students have their exam on Wednesday 6th)

After speaking with Helen just now, I am feeling more at ease with getting my Module Three started.

I am currently on show week this week, where I hot foot from my full time teaching position to my part time choreographing job (totting up 12-14 hour days this week), so I am trying to find little spots of free time in order to get into student mode again.

I mentioned in my Module Two Critical Reflection how the approach to this course is not a tick-box, however this is my way of working so I create my own tick box

My aim for the coming week is to:
Begin conducting my research into a reflective journal by delving deeper into the key author and practitioners I had started reading into in Module Two, by developing a deeper discussion around what others in my field are also saying.
Observe PE Dance lessons, considering my ethical approaches.
Converse with others on Module Three via blog posts.
Attend Tuesday 11th Feb Module Three Skype focus.


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